Paint Event - The creative company event
This event is a special kind. Employees are the actors!
The aim is to create a joint art work or collage during the Paint Event in which each individual participant can identify their contribution. Groups of 9 members work on a group painting on a given theme that is made up of the individual pictures created by each member. The team's task is to create a linking element between the individual pictures (group creativity).
Each participant works alone on the basic theme painting their own individual part of the whole picture (individual creativity). After the groups have got to know each other they discuss how to visualize the theme and plan how to create it.
The ideas and work resulting remain a sustainable reminder of the event and Company. Colour Feeling will introduce the subject and procedure, motivate the whole group to show their creativity. They will be provided with protective aprons, disposable gloves and painting utensils.
The participants will be divided into groups by drawing lots. During the painting phase the participants will be assisted. Groups from 9 to 99 participants are possible.

Star Alliance
"What makes us tick - Why do we like to work at Star Alliance"
Feb. 2012, Frankfurt a.M., 90 participants

Imperial Tobacco
The World of Tobacco today and in future
Sept. 2017, Hamburg, 63 participants

Centrum für Nanotechnologie
"Nanotechnology in the picture"
Dec. 2009, Hamburg, 27 participants